Four Top Investment Options for a Prosperous Future (for minimalis people)

Mix preparation to organize a prosperous future is perhaps the requirement should be met. Later we will certainly be a family. And one day our children will certainly also require cost of living and education expenses are not small. Without a solid financial preparation, we might be able to injure the obligation to guide our children in managing their lives.
Well, one of the preparations can be formulated is a fitting investment activities. Of course prerequisite is: we have adequate savings to be invested. If no remaining savings, or even come up short every month, well then what, then that would be invested? Just a bit of an illusion?
Okay, the spirit. I'm sure you all must have sufficient savings to be invested. Then, the following four alternative investment options worthy of consideration.
Investment Options 1: Franchise. One option is to use a smart investment that your savings as capital to start a business / business. If we are busy working and ndak have much time, then the choices are okay is to start a business through a franchise (a franchise).
Business through franchising is a relatively safe choice because it usually provides a system and standard business processes; also the obvious choice of products. Thus the process to run it will not be as complex if for example we are starting your own business from scratch.
Now, many a franchise opportunity with a relatively affordable capital. Only with a capital investment of about 10 to 25 millions, we can start a new venture. Bids its product range: from home business meals, soft drinks, spa services and education to salons. If we choose the right products, and business location is also strategic, rather big potential returns.
Investment Options 2: Properties. Imagine the dream that tastes delicious this: suppose we have five shops, all in a location that fits, and we rent out each with a value of Rp 5 million / month, then every month we can have a passive income of Rp 25 million in cash.
The question is: where we have five shophouses that? From the sky? Of course not. Sure of diligent effort, beginning with the first shop. If you already have results, buy the second, no results, then buy a third shop, and so on until we have a "farm shop"
The way to begin buying the first shop is simple: take mortgage loans from banks to buy, shop, shop, and then we rented it immediately. Now money is a direct result of our rent deposit to pay off the loan each month. Done dah. In five years it could be paid off credit shop, and officially became ours, we must without too much outside investment funds.
3 Investment Options: Mutual funds. This investment in our core set of good stock to buy through the services of a professional fund manager. We invest funds (minimum of 5 million) to paid to the managers of mutual funds (fund managers). Then by them, the fund bought the stock a good variety (eg, shares of Bank BRI, Astra shares, etc.), with the expectation that stock prices continue to rise constantly.
For the case of Indonesia, investing through mutual funds is one option that is quite jos markojos. Many mutual fund products are capable of rewarding a 4-fold in five years. Forward the process of Indonesia's economic well inshallah. And mutual fund investing is one way that we are able to enjoy economic progress and business in the homeland.
The last investment options: a little old school but also mak nyus. Namely investment gold precious metals. Inevitably in the past five years, gold metal has to be excellent investments. The reason is simple: the world economy continues to gonjang ganjing, and increasingly battered American dollar because their economies are increasingly hobbled.
In such a situation, gold has always been the last port to lean. That's why gold prices continue to step on the gas pol in the last three years.
But not only that. Gold prices will always rise, above the rate of inflation. Thus the value of gold will never go down. In other words, gold investing is one of the safest investments and reassuring.
That is a choice of 4 types of investments are worth considering. Want to be the king of franchising? Want to be a rancher shop? Want to taste the delicious mutual funds? That sounds good. Or if you want to secure peace with gold investments.
Importantly, you can all make an investment for a more prosperous future.