strategies used by the companies that have

Products & Services Strategy

Definition: This component refers to the ability of companies to provide products and services. This includes the range and quality of products / services available on the market, technical knowledge and skills of sales and service staff, and the level of technology incorporated in the products / services and utilized to conduct business.

Improving technology products / services by adding a new dimension to it.
Establishing a product / service to meet the psychological needs of clients / customers, thus providing a greater pleasure, safety or educational value.
Examine each company's technology we employ and identify ways to reduce costs.
Fit with our products / services as close as possible with the market needs.
Make improvements in our organization (structure, activities, systems, job positions, procedures, rules, regulations) that will enhance the development and operation of our technology (including products / services).
Introducing new technologies or improved internally that will improve the function of our own organization.
Fully into the knowledge of all the new technologies that directly or indirectly related to our business.
Identify and adapt to new technologies to better meet the needs of our customers.
Working closely with vendors to introduce new products / services.
Continuously expand and improve the product / service knowledge and technical expertise of our people.
Trying to really satisfy and that there are potential clients / customers.
Making our clients / customers happier by making our employees happier. If we show more interest in our employees, thus making them happier, they will interact better with clients / customers.
Determining what our unique strengths, and develop products / services that include, or incorporate more of this power.